First crush, first love, first kiss, first job and the list go on and on and on but these firsts they never end. Are these "First" overrated or it’s as scintillating and exciting as its sounds. We all think once these firsts happens things wont be the same again, and then whatever will happen will be second, already experienced, so does that mean that we don’t feel the same about it, no more excitement no more eagerness no sensations, will it be "been there done that" to us?
Let’s see
As for a matter of fact we all know that our so called "First Love" usually happens at tender and vulnerable teenage and within few months or so we know that it was not what we have thought of and we get over it. But does that mean that whenever we actually fall in love we won’t feel the jitters, excitement for our every First’s with that person, as we’ll think that it had already happened. So the question lies is.
Is it the "First" or it is "First with a person?"
its just a first.
a first of many more to follow.
the real worry is not those firsts, but the lasts.
n when you know that its a first but surely not the last, you'll know that things will only get better.
n who said that a first loses value the second time. a second comes only after a first. it happens when you know for sure. and by the third you know that this is the real thing. (even if you dont there is always a fourth fifth find out ;))
a first is just a first step.
a beginning. a way forward. to the next step.
a trailer, if you will.
Sure totally understood your point of view.. but what if after many more... you do realise that it is for real, but still not ready to accept the fact, and say that you are not too sure.....
see we all need hope to keep walking, nobody will take the road where there's a dead end...
i m not saying that we always take the correct road but we need that hope that somewhere down the line i will reach where i wanted to go..
i hope you got what you wanted to know.
where are u...
no posts???
"Firsts" are rarely that happening you know..
First loves almost never last.
First dates are never the 'best time' you had with them.
First kisses are almost always messy, far from perfect and leave most of us feeling like fools.
Let me not even begin to mention the first love making experience!
Yes, the first times are always etched in our memory and will have their special place in our lives but mostly things just get better from there on. And why even compare the first with the seconds and the seconds with the thirds and so on....? No two moments are the same. Each moment has its own story..
A kiss is not just special because its the first, second, or the hundredth, but also because of the pair of lips involved.
A kiss is not just special because of the pair of lips involved, but also becase of the moment in which those lips met.
A kiss is not just special because of the moment in which those lips met, but also because of all the moments leading upto that moment..
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