When I have my camera in my hand, the world around me appears diverse, colorful, and full of fascinating life.
I am a curious person, and my camera is my probe to satisfy that curiosity – to understand a moment, what led to it, and accept it as it is. When I capture a moment through my lens, you get to see not just what my eyes saw, but perhaps, also what my mind processed.
The bouquet of subjects I capture is diverse, and it expands as I continue to explore.
Often I find myself so charmed by colors that I could gaze at them oblivious to everything else. Landscapes soothe my mind, while the water and sand invite stillness in me. Animals – alive and guiltless – make me wait till they smile with their brilliant eyes. But the most expressive are People – the wrench of sadness, the jolt of rage, kids and their innocence, men at work, a mothers’ charm, a priests’ aura, the gardeners skin, and more – and that is what I endeavor to capture.
Through my pictures, I hope, you will be able to read into the un-uttered words of creation.
Thanks for stopping by. I am learning as I go, and hope you like it

P.S. All photographs on this website are copyrighted.
This mean you can link them to a website, just use common sense by not claiming them as yours or using them for commercial purposes in any way shape or form.