It really is not difficult to turn an intention into action - and booking tickets for Madhya Pradesh after months of planning is the one of finest instance I can cite.
The date was finalized, bags were packed, and off we went to, what was once the largest state of India, and is also known as “Hindustan ka Dil”, Madhya Pradesh.
This 48 hours trip had it all – the joy of travel by all means of transport, the bliss of relaxation, and lessons from history.
Train journey is in itself an experience which starts right from the station, including food, people, the rush of things, and the best of all - the co passengers.
The journey was not long in terms of distance but somehow it felt like eternity. As the train got slower and was about to halt at the station, somehow my heart beat was racing inversely proportional to the speed of the train.
A day or two away from the swarm, where you can hear Silence can do wonders to an otherwise normal life. We spent an evening in the forest amongst the trees, along with the flowing river, where the chuckles of water were not letting us ignore their presence and were constantly reminding us of how incredible nature is.
Hours turned into minutes, and minutes into seconds when you are having a remarkable conversation and before you know its dawn. I guess now I know what the Chinese meant when they said that a single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
While we were trying to run away from darkness, the night was getting closer to perfection. The perfect symmetry of trees by the road, the lights of a billion stars, the music which seemed to be coming straight from the heart - there was nothing else that could have been added to make it more perfect.
A lazy morning was spent on the swing taking me back & forth into childhood, while my feet were holding on to the present.
I can assertively say that our eyes may have gotten tired and legs may have hurt but our heart for sure was delighted!
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