
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another turning point..

Today when I sit at my desk, there is this emptiness I feel in my stomach. I have so longed to leave but now when it is time I just don't feel as happy as I thought I would. No certainly not the place, it’s just the awesome time I have had here together with some most wonderful people I have ever known, and that is probably what makes it so hard.

I have learned a lot here, right from writing an official mail to other loads of stuff which included work as well & can say 2 years well spent. The bitching, the chai, the fraud on FB, the all day "nothing to do" vella time, the meetings where we couldn't help yawning, the hours of chit chat, the food, the cartoons we drew, the festivals we celebrated, the parties we did, the extended lunch hours we had, the movies we saw and many more. It isn't that easy as I thought it would be.

I so am going to miss you and your company of love, fun and care. But what really keeps me going is the fact that I know we still are going to be connected and I sure know that you'll be there whenever I need you (and otherwise :P)

P.S - I also don't know about my surprise farewell party

P.P.S – I will always be online (God bless BB) @ agarwal.sonil@gmail and of course facebook :P